Our Silver Jubilee celebration past weekend between the Cubs historical victory and the furor of the upcoming elections was a silver rivet in the history of MEANA, nay the story of us Malayalee Engineers in NA.
Here is to thank those who were with us in person and those in spirit on Saturday Nov 5th. It was an incredible fusion of art and information, especially the Technical Session where few of the finest brains of Kerala origin shared a platform as panelists and, discussed the complexities of the current progresses in the world of engineering and technology with an insight into the intricacies of the different fields technology is evolving into.
Our EOYs Dr. Antony Satyadas (Owner, Innovation Incubator Inc), Prof Thenkururrussi Keshavads (Director, HCESC, U of I, Urbana), Dr. Daniel Abraham (Lead Scientist, Energy Storage- Lithium, Argonne National Laboratories), Dr. Jayaprakash Balakrishnan, (VP Cloud Alliances and Partnership, Infosys) together with Reji Tharakan (Director, Engineering, Comcast), Mathew Kattapurath (Waste Water Treatment, City of Chicago), Thomas Chiramel (Former Director AT&T) and Prof K S Anthony lead the discussions.
The entertainment program was an outstanding topnotch art of work by Ajit Chandran, Shingari’s School of Rhythms (Chinu Thottam) with a few gifted artists from MEANA, Edath Brothers and Dridevi Pandala’s team.
As we celebrated the past, it also marked a new era for MEANA, a new journey to embark on. The terrain remains the same with entangling grounds, narrow passes, precipitous heights but so does our tenacity.
On behalf of the team that put together a fine piece of celebration, I wanted to thank you all for your continued support and look forward to building MEANA as we step into this new era.
Abraham Joseph (Abujy)
President, MEANA
Here is a teaser on the program during the Dinner Banquet.