Studied at the College of Engineering, Trivandrum (CET), Studied at Illinois Institute of Technology, and studied at the University of Illinois, became a Licensed Professional Engineer in many States, Former Advisory/ Cognizant Project Engineer for NWP/Contractors for DEPT of Energy. Worked as Chief Electrical Engineer for STV Eng. Corporation. Worked as Senior Project Engineer for Sargent and Lundy Engineers involved in Nuclear Power Plants in Illinois, China, Korea, etc.
Provided Electrical Engineering Design and Construction Management Services for a wide variety of Industrial, Commercial, Pharmaceutical, Laboratory, Healthcare, Multiple Family Residential high-rise residential, and Commercial high-rise buildings in Chicago, Singapore, Dubai, etc. Some of his projects are the O’Hare Modernization Program, River City of Chicago, Marina City renovation, Stroger Hospital, Rush Hospital Addition, New World Trade Center Buildings in New York, Nuclear Waste Disposal Plant in New Mexico, Los Alamos Laboratory
Still providing design services for former employers on part-time
Licensed Professional Engineer in Illinois, Alabama, Arizona, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, California, and New Mexico
Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED), Accredited Professional, U.S. Green Building Council
Professional Membership in IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, CEE, Consulting Electrical Engineers, Division of Electrical Association
Founding President of MEANA, Past Director of CEE